Chances are good that someone at work will catch our eye as we're climbing the career ladder: Slightly more than half (51%) of professionals surveyed this year admit to engaging in an office romance of some kind, ranging from casual encounters to dating to finding a marriage partner or long-term significant other. Of these professionals, 63% said they'd do it all again.
Perhaps the most surprising survey finding, however, concerns our co-workers in human resources! It turns out they're among the most likely employees to engage in an office romance. A full 57% of HR employees in this year's survey have been involved in a workplace romance at some juncture in their career trajectory.
In fact, HR employees rank third, behind retail (62%) and technology/manufacturing (60%), as the employees most likely to romance someone at work.
Meanwhile, 43% of all employees surveyed said they were unsure if their employer had an office dating policy in place, and 47% were aware of infidelity on the part of a married or otherwise relationship-committed co-worker. A full 31% think their infidelity-minded co-worker has gained a professional advantage from it, too. Paging HR, where are you on this? Oh, nevermind.
Where are we least likely to encounter romantically-inclined co-workers? The survey finds our friends in marketing are the least likely to get together with other marketing employees. Don't count on employees working in accounting, healthcare, energy, and finance/banking to be eager about office romance, either.
But office romance is a fact of modern workplace life.
So, there it is. Your obligatory February 2015 inter-office romance round-up blog post, starring...the HR department? Well, this workplace blog is about putting the human back in human resources since 2009, isn't it?
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