App company Hey Lets, which curiously seems to have forgotten to add an apostrophe between the "t" and the "s," recently polled 2,500 social media-using Americans to find out how much they self-promote over social media. Okay, let's all roll our eyes together at their unending stream of amazing survey responses!
Among the survey's findings? The residents of some U.S. states are far more humble than others. Utahns are the most humble online, followed by Oregonians (Go, Ducks!), South Carolinians, Kansans and Arizonans. Thanks guys, we appreciate that we don't have to hide you on Facebook.
The most "braggy" state? California hands down, and by a rather large percentage, too. Hey, scoot over six inches so you can get that palm tree in the selfie, guys! The state of Washington ranks second as totally braggadicious, followed by Nevada, Maryland and New Hampshire.
The five most frequent topics for self-promotion? Hey, don't scroll past, because here they are in descending order:
1. Going on a special trip;
2. Attending a memorable event;
3. Meeting a noteworthy person;
4. Mentioning something nice our significant other did for us;
5. Getting work-related good news.
Ah yes, the work-related humblebrag, where we're always very, very, very busy dashing to and fro and feel inclined to announce our impending arrival at a destination business conference five days before it starts. There is no "I" in "team," but there is an "I" in iPhone and Instagram, and we need to spend some quality time taking selfies in the airport!
If we live in California, Washington, Nevada, Maryland and New Hampshire, then we might be more likely to change our Facebook profile photo on the hour. Or so it seems? Hmm. The rest of us would like to say that we don't even use social media, but we wouldn't want to sound like we're bragging.
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