For the Office Extrovert, It Isn't Easy Being Green

Introverts take heat from extroverts for needing downtime after "only" two hours of polite small talk, but extroverts are so busy talking about their awesome weekend that they could be contributing to global warming!

A new University of Portsmouth Business School (U.K.) study of "green" attitudes unearths a rather startling discovery: The extroverts among us are the "least likely" to practice "green" habits.

These "green" habits include (and are probably not limited to) turning off the lights when they leave a room; shutting off running water; buying recycled stuff; remembering to use recyclable bags at the supermarket; and turning off the television when nobody is watching it.

Why? Because they're too busy talking, of course! For extroverts, it isn't easy being green.

Ah, ah, ah -- talk to the hand, extroverts. You'll get your turn to talk in a minute. First, let's hear from researcher Sianne Gordon-Wilson:

"It isn't surprising that people who we describe as open -- those who are curious, imaginative and untraditional -- are more likely to be green. But we were surprised that extroverts are less likely to be green. We had expected that of all the five main personality types, open and extrovert people would be the most green."

Extroverts are or might be 'reasonably green', but it appears they are easily distracted from making further efforts or changes because other things were competing for their attention.

So, introverts: The next time the gregarious office extrovert won't stop talking (or knocks your more-introverted ways, ahem) simply ask if he separates his recyclables, how often she uses recyclable bags at the grocery store, and if they turn off the water when they're brushing their teeth. The conversation may come to an abrupt end, allowing you some much-needed downtime between draining co-worker interactions. #Winning

At the very least, introverts can quietly observe if this study does, in fact, pan out on a corporate micro-level. Does the office extrovert tend to throw his empty water bottles into the trash can? Does she leave the water running? Will they ever stop talking about their three-day weekend?!

Oh, yes. We were going to let the office extroverts have their turn to talk. Oh, nevermind. They've already found somebody far more interesting to speak with way over there, in the conference room. Let's hope they remember to turn off the lights when they leave.

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