Panera Bread To Record Employees As They Work

Ah, Panera Bread. The go-to stop for mid-level leaders who lunch, laptop-toting self-employed types who wear headphones, and gabby, stay-at-home moms who need to get out of the house.

And, um, employees who are being secretly taped while they prepare orders to see how they might be screwing up.

St. Louis-based Panera Bread says that it will secretly tape employees working in one unnamed store location to discover ways to speed up service and to see where mistakes are being made. Ah, ah, ah -- you forgot the lettuce, and hold the mayo!

The St. Louis Business Journal reports that it will be similar to reviewing an athlete's performance on game film.

So let's rewind and go to the videotape! That Chipotle Chicken Panini Sandwich prepared last week was clearly out of bounds and we're calling a flagrant foul. Er, fowl.

I'm all for companies trying to increase reliability, work out the kinks in their processes and help employees improve, but I'm not sure what secretly taping employees at one store location will reveal. Can the lessons learned from a sample of one be spread system-wide like horseradish sauce slathered on a Steak and White Cheddar Panini Sandwich? I guess we'll find out.

Now I'm hungry, and the bigger question is whether other restaurant chains will follow suit in an industry where an estimated one in seven orders is prepared incorrectly. In the meantime, we'll take a Cinnamon Crunch Bagel to go.

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