One In Three Employees Has Had An Office Bully

Have you ever been bullied at work?

Unfortunately, too many employees will encounter a workplace bully at some point in their careers, and a new survey from staffing firm OfficeTeam illuminates just how pervasive workplace bullying can be.

OfficeTeam asked employees and HR managers for their experiences with workplace bullying, and it turns out more than one in three (35%) employees surveyed has had an office bully.

More than one-quarter (27%) of HR managers, meanwhile, said that workplace bullying happens "at least somewhat" often at their company.

How do employees deal with it, you ask? Well, 32% of employees surveyed confronted the bully, while another 27% told the boss.

Other employees, however, decided not to be so vocal: Another 13% quit their jobs, while 17% did nothing. They simply put it up with it.

On a good note, roughly 65% of employees surveyed said they've never been bullied at work. Still, bullying is an incredibly serious workplace issue, and once you've experienced it you never forget it.

OfficeTeam offers a few great tips for dealing with workplace bullies, but the bottom line is this: Everyone deserves a safe, welcoming work environment where they can be productive and do their best work.

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, so now is a good time for managers to be thinking about this issue. Bullying can take subtle forms, so it's important to know what to look for in the workplace. Here's a good primer.

October 5 is "Blue Shirt Day," or World Day For Bullying Prevention. Go ahead and wear blue on October 5th in support of a bully-free workplace, just because. By working together, we can make the workplace a better place.

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